
Discus as the king of freshwater fish attract many people to maintain. In addition to shapes, colors, and patterns of interest, the prices become expensive one to maintain traction.
o get a good discus surely must get a good seed. Therefore hobies especially a beginner should be smart in selecting fish.
Following tips for choosing a good discus, among others;
1. The bright color, tunicate or not removing the excessive mucus. Skin color or a shiny black indicates conditions that are not healthy discus. The black vertical bar that is very blatant / explicit discus marks in the heavy stress conditions. The number of this line varies according to the variants of fish. Usually amounted to between 7-18 bar.
This bar does not function to determine a sick discus, but the discus as a result of upset conditions, or environmental conditions that are not suitable for the discus. Many types of stress that indicates discus-bar with its clear.
2. Scale on the fish that does not exfoliate and clean, not slimy and white spotted too many. Fin fish should look clean and complete. Fin is torn, damaged, moldy denotes not healthy fish. Fin disability that is not balanced and will create a rounded shape and beautiful discus seen.
3. Eye color is clear, not white spotted or tunicate. Eyeball that does not come out too light, such as radial tires. So-called pop-eye because of the eye condition that ugly water, and fish with intestinal bacteria. The size of the fish is too big on the small fish indicates hampered growth. Besides the black eye can be caused by internal diseases, and too long exposed to contamination of drugs in the long-term
4. Discus fish body form of the ideal, not visible from the lean thickness forehead discus. Discus physical disability that is not usually visible from the front where the left and right looks the same. Mouth or other body part does not have anything more to the left or right.
5. How the rhythmic breathing regularly, where the two gill opening and closing the same. Close gill cover gill arches, not short and do not gape open. Must also be a very quick breath, which can be caused by a lack of oxygen occurs when the long term will damage the function of gill
6. Discus healthy, generally is not afraid of people who view it. Discus are usually good and healthy will soon come up with a fast, thought will be given food. Besides a healthy discus is generally not alone, but with his friends.
7. Generally, a healthy discus, swimming style of quiet, choked-not stagnant. Discus like to scrape the body parts to equipment or surrounding objects, generally fell ill parasites. This may be because the itchiness is caused due to tick bites or fungus / bacteria on the skin and gill. Discus are generally healthy with a calm swim, under the front of the fin so that the stomach was revealed at the time visible doughtily swimming (pectoral fin).
8. Do not be gullible to the color. Red burn on the color of the eyes and striking, especially in the discus small & young people (between 2-3 inches), not a guarantee to get a good discus. At this time there are some people who use hormones to force the discharge colors of fish, which aims to facilitate sales and increase the attractiveness of the fish. This color will not survive long (more than 2 weeks - 1 month).
9. Pattern fish usually occur 2 inches to start up and staged. Be careful when buying discus pattern that has been out since the size of a small, likely because of the hormone to remove the pattern is to look beautiful. Is a reasonable pattern of out-half or less only on the size of 2 inches, but sometimes the quality of the discus to a low result does not leave his complexion is perfect until a full body. Try buy discus child sized up to 2 inches.
In addition to the above tips, then the most important adaptation is done slowly after arriving at home and do the quarantine at any fish purchased.


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